Securing Wealth for the Next Generation

Wealth is grown over time, not overnight.

No Tricks. No Magic. No Gimmicks.

Only a time proven strategy combined with the fastest growing sector.

Digital Assets Inheritance Services

Digital Assets Inheritance Services is a crypto inheritance management service, that administers crypto trust funds. Your crypto trust is overseen by a group of experts who take a comprehensive view of all aspects of your goals, with you and your beneficiary’s best interest in mind. Digital Assets Inheritance Services can assume all the investment, administrative, and fiduciary responsibilities of managing your trust according to the terms defined in your trust document.

We manage your trust so you can trust that you’re giving your children the head start they deserve.

“Imagine if a trust fund had been waiting for you when you entered adulthood. Now imagine the financial freedom a trust fund started now could give your child in the future.”

What is a Crypto Trust Fund?

A trust fund is an estate planning tool that is a legal entity that holds property or assets for a person or organization. Trust funds can hold a variety of assets, such as money, real property, stocks, bonds, a business, or a combination of many different types of properties and assets. Crypto Trust Funds only hold cryptocurrency within an irrevocable trust.

Three parties are required to establish a crypto trust fund:

The Grantor

The grantor establishes the trust and transfers their crypto assets to the trust.

The Beneficiary

The beneficiary is whom the crypto assets are intended to be distributed to at a specific point in the future.

The Trustee

The trust fund is managed by the trustee who must act for the benefit of the grantor and beneficiary. The trustee transfers the trust property to the beneficiary at the time set in the trust document.

Digital Assets Inheritance Services will provide you

Those who choose us as their corporate trustee enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that the organization they've come to trust and rely on will carry out their legacies in a professional and cost-effective manner.


We will administer your trust according to your wishes in a professional and impartial manner. Always exercising unbiased reasoning in financial matters.

Prudent Management

Our investment management process includes disciplined risk management and due diligence. Your investments are actively monitored seeking to ensure that risks are recognized, rational, and have the potential to be rewarded.


We can provide seamless, responsive trust administration and trust portfolio management for as long as your trust endures.


Zero or low-cost administrative fee
Generational service assured via corporate structure.
User Portal to track asset values, transfer crypto and more.

> Cold storage

> Multi-factor Authentication

> Multi-shard Backup Management


Our diverse team brings over 100 years of combined knowledge in varying sectors such as law, crypto, and finance.

Low Barrier to Entry

Create a Trust today with only $100.

Why Cryptocurrency?

Crypto investing provides an opportunity to participate in the greatest wealth creation of our generation. The first decentralized cryptocurrency Bitcoin was created in 2009, but now there are tens of thousands of cryptos spanning fields such as finance, trading, charity, data & storage, and payments to name a few. From a total market cap of zero to an all-time high of $3 trillion in 2021, the impact of this technology is at the beginning. Analysts expect future growth will eventually 10x from its all-time high has blockchain and digital assets penetrate countless aspects of the economy.

Investment Portfolio

All trust assets are invested in an actively managed passive crypto index (learn more here). All investments are regularly monitored. We continually evaluate the risk exposure of the assets in the underlying portfolios to help ensure the risk remains in line with your expectations.
Portfolio reviews are conducted by Digital Assets Inheritance Services senior leaders on a regular basis. These extensive reviews are designed to confirm that portfolios are being managed in accordance with your objectives, as well as within the parameters of the trust instruments in which the assets may be held.