How it Works

Get your Crypto Trust setup in minutes.

We created a streamlined process to get your trust document created, executed and loaded with crypto in as quickly as a day.

Sign Up

We'll need to collect general personal information.

Fill out the 

Trust Questionnaire.

Your responses will be used to create your trust document. Here is where we find out who will be the grantor, beneficiaries, and other pertinent information.

Transfer Bitcoin into your trust.

If you own Bitcoin, you can directly transfer your Bitcoin to your trust within your user portal.

If you don't own any Bitcoin we can assist you with converting your USD into Bitcoin. Simply complete the form after the questionnaire and let us know how much Bitcoin you want to add to your trust.

Assets transferred into your trust permanently belong to the trust until transferred to your beneficiary.

sign your trust.

We'll draft your trust based on your questionnaire answers and send it over for your signature.

We'll then sign and send you your copy.

Your Trust is now Executed and Account is Activated

Within your user portal you can make additional transfers and track the trust crypto holdings.